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Dude Could You Pass the Porno


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The porn industry is a multi-billion dollar per year enterprise that’s here to stay. There are major corporations around the world peddling and procuring it so that it can be acquired by anyone and everyone. It’s not going anywhere as long as people are going to use it as freely as they use 2-ply toilet tissue to wipe their noses and their rear ends.

It is completely accessible to anyone, any time, anywhere around the world. And it’s no longer exclusive to magazines or VHS tapes you have to go out and shamefully buy at that smut shop on the dark side of town. You can get it for free right in your own living room, streaming on your cell phone, or in the form of self-made uploaded pictures and vids starring your best friend’s girl.

Porn is so readily available and accessible that we need not even be searching for it on the web or be soliciting for it when we’re looking to buy something online and BOOM, there’s a popup of someone’s rack and you’re suddenly being inundated with spam emails and ads for male enhancement and click thru URLs that’ll land you somewhere out in in yonder called “” or “”.

However, it isn’t something strictly used by men and there are scores of women who also use porn. It has been said that women account for 1 in 3 out of all internet users who look at porn online.

It’s as intrusive as it is problematic when it is heavily abused by people, and there are organizations out there designed solely to help with porn addiction. It’s a lot like any other drug or substance that offers a surge of endorphins that’ll run through our veins and get us higher than kites. For some, that is precisely what porn does, like food may do for one person or heroine might do for another.

However, run of the mill porn use among hot-blooded males is a hot button issue, especially among the women in their lives upon which they view it as offensive, insulting, and degrading. A lot of women hate the fact that their men look at porn and they are jealous, resentful, and mad as hell. In fact, they’re so mad they’re ready to throw the computer out in the driveway alongside their horny asshat boyfriends, who have a constant boner-ific craving and insatiable fascination for it.

I have yet to meet ANY man who doesn’t look at, hasn’t looked at it, or doesn’t plan to look at it. It is something that was designed for males by males, and it’s just not going anywhere. Sorry to disappoint you, but it’s true.

For women who have a tough time grappling with the fact that their men are looking at porn and the degree to which they look at it, we can gauge whether their men have a real problem, or whether they’re like any other otherwise normal testosterrific man among others who like to take an occasional peek.

  • If he prefers it over the real thing, you’ve got problems.

If he locks himself in the bedroom for hours at a time, has a slew of detachable H-drives, and has a real problem sustaining an erection in trying to engage in the act with you, much less harbors any desire to engage in the act with you, he’s a used up withdrawn ass.

Men who can’t get close to the real thing and prefer the digital version over the fleshy one have deep intimacy issues, are totally disillusioned and are harboring some type of unhealthy psychological disposition towards women and real-life relationships.

A healthy man whose raring and ready to go WILL NEVER pick porn over the real thing.

  • If he’s trying to get you turned onto SUPER NASTY ideas of which he has been inspired through porn, you’ve got problems.

If your man is asking you to partake in disgusting, abhorrent, freaky things that haven’t until recently been discussed, I’d tell him to go ahead and partake in packing up his $hit and moving out. However, not before I’d gotten to the root of his nasty little problem and to the extent to which he is engaged in it. YOU DON’T KNOW FULL WELL WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON. And he could be putting you at risk.

Him asking you to do things an animal wouldn’t do is disgusting and evil and is well beyond run of the mill. Proceed with the utmost caution.

  • If he’s comparing you and your body to pornstars, you’ve got problems.

96% of us don’t look like the women in porn and truthfully, 96% of the women in porn don’t look like that either. They use filters, makeup, plastic silly putty, tanning beds, implants and lipo, trick cameras with good angles, and 1,000 pounds of cocaine to achieve the look they do. And if that guy you’re with is expecting you to do the same, he’s a small time shallow nut job that needs his jaw cracked and wired shut.

Any normal man doesn’t encourage his woman to look like that because a normal man isn’t of douchey aptitude. A normal man isn’t akin to anal bleaching and more than likely doesn’t even know what it is, nor would he expect you to get it done to appease any secret little sickness.

  • If he is being financially sneaky and secretive in hiding credit card and bank statements, you’ve got problems.

Fudging or concealing financials is also akin to cheating, and if he’s being sneaky about anything money wise, that is a huge waving red flag you’d be foolish to excuse and ignore.

Indeed, a lot of porn is free. However some men will pay for variety. They’ll pay for it because it’s something more desirable to them than what’s already easily and readily available, and it’s often of the very taboo kind. It may be online live cams, freaky cyber hookers he’s planning to meet up with in person, and it may be that he’s into something so freakily disgusting that he can’t get it otherwise without paying for it.

Financial transparency is standard upon the basis of trust and if he’s out there doing gawd knows what on the web and paying for it, you’re going to find yourself discovering things that are going to make the hair and skin jump right off your back and will turn your stomach into tight ulcerating square knots.

No one can discount the fact that porn is something that is so mainstream that it seems to be a “normal” part of our everyday lives. It’s something a lot of men enjoy and they’d be hard pressed to never look at it as long as they are alive, breathing and seeking sexual satisfaction. And unfortunately, a lot of women are going to stand to remain unappreciative of that.

Truthfully, in my younger years, I was upset at the idea of my husband looking at porn. However, I’ve come to understand that it isn’t earth shattering when it’s a blue moon phenomenon. And for me to impose on him that he can never look at again or I’ll rip his eyeballs out is useless and impossible. I just don’t care anymore because our love life is great and he’s not doing ANY of the above mentioned dirty deeds.

However, if your man is doing these dirty deeds, you better recognize the need to get out now and save yourself from some real gut-wrenching anguish and unforgivable self-punishment.

Lose that porno bum loser and get yourself a real man whose of sound mental health and noble moral character.

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