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Being a Parent Doesn't Make You a Damn Hero

My Aversion to the Alpha Male

Your Man's a Mama's Boy Wuss

10 Signs She’s Not Girlfriend Material

5 Reasons She Won’t Give You Her Number

Escape The Friendzone!

The Dynamics of Holding Hands

About Ego, Being Shy, And The Inner Judge

why will it NOT be good enough? a woman will find a reason because deep down she doesn’t care enough to be assertive and give her share of participation other than lethargic participation. i find no problem with it although i’m giving my share of participation because i want to show i’m also putting some of my work into it, but many other women do seek for a needle in a haystack and take everything for granted.

and that’s why materialism happens to be the most obvious offender, it’s just themost annoying and most obvious example of taking things for granted which most men will be desperate to meet. e.g. a car is not good enough, a man is possibly living with parents or actually rents an appartment because he has no house of his own, he could be a jobless student or some lousy apprentice, etc. such woman won’t care if it’s unrealistic for her to expect a man to have his own fully equipped appartment and all other stuff in his 20s, and she sure as hell doesn’t bother to ask herself if she is to participate in anything to achieve that or anything else in their potential marriage… a man is expected to provide her everything and it should be available right now or within a year or two at most, which brings us to a prince trope that most of us hate. i don’t need a prince and it’s insulting for me, but there’s lots of women who act as if they do place such requirement. that’s some serious problem with post-feminist revolution which proved lots of women only want priviledges when it suits them and actually don’t want to take obligations as a direct consequence of further equalizing of genders (which isn’t fully achieved at all anyways!), why most women tend to set unrealistic expectations and the higher the status they have, they still expect her man to be above that, everything about marriage happens to be a competition, starting with their man’s height, looks, wealth, her tratment, etc. if you’d ask me, this is one of main reasons why you have lots of single women (and men), inability to handle new circumstances in a society and trying to selectively use only the things that a going into your favour.

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